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Training for Local Authority maintained schools

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Leading Governance

For MAT trustees

This new programme of workshops for multi academy trust trustees offers a practical grounding in how effective governance can work in MATs and how to fulfil your role to make a positive impact.

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people man smiling at his laptop
For chairs of MATs

Taking on the role of chair is a significant commitment that deserves focused and relevant support. This programme equips participants with the skills, knowledge and understanding to deliver effective local governing board leadership in their own setting.

For new MAT trustees

Exclusively available to 海角社区 Gold and 海角社区 MAT members, this virtual session has been developed specifically to help new trustees make an impact in their first six months in the role.

Expertise you can trust

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  • 98% would “recommend this programme to others”

  • The programme provided a sound platform to enable me to bring about positive change to our governing board. It enabled me to reflect and take appropriate action to strengthen my own knowledge and understanding of governance and that of the board.

  • An excellent programme that has raised my awareness of the roles and responsibilities of a chair and also given me tools to carry these out.